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An Overview Regarding Bunion New York Conditions

By Kerri Turner

Bunion New York podiatrist medical centers have specialists that treat this condition. This is a commonly found foot disorder that can be easily corrected. Certified medical professionals are able to diagnose the condition and determine the best way to remove it. This common foot disorder is found in men and women but because of certain women's footwear, the condition is more predominate in women.

This condition changes the actual appearance of the big toe. This disorder is the result of a bone enlargement in the large toe, resulting in a large bump protruding from the large toe. This enlarged bone causes the large toe to point towards the second toe. This condition is often painful and requires medical attention.

Many women develop this foot deformity because they often wear narrow or shoes with heels that are too high. These types of shoes place an extreme amount of pressure on the toe. Wear comfortable flat shoes or shoes with a low heel can alleviate this condition. This foot condition can also increase as a person ages.

Genetics can also cause certain individuals to be more susceptible to developing this condition. There are studies that indicate there are genetic links leading to bone development in the feet. Individuals with immediate family members with this condition have an increased chance of obtaining the foot disorder.

Correcting this condition is a very common procedure that thousands of people get each year. It is important for anyone interested in having this procedure done to fully understand the surgery and recovery process. This is a foot deformity that develops over an extended period of time. There are many individuals that can deal with the condition with little to no discomfort. They typically opt not to get it surgically removed if it does not interfere with their quality of life.

This condition is called hallux abductovalgus and there are some people that are born with this condition. Some individuals are born with this bone pointed towards an outward position. Others may have too much flexibility in the feet and as a result, the bone protrudes from the large toe. Most people that develop this condition have a low arch in their feet.

To avoid getting this foot disorder, it is important to wear comfortable shoes that fit well. Very narrow or high heel shoes can cause the feet to develop this disorder. Certain shoes are a reason why this particular condition is common among women. Women should be careful to wear shoes that do not put too much pressure on this bone on the large toe. This is a common condition among dancers that place a lot of pressure on the toes.

It is not difficult to diagnose this foot disorder. A podiatrist can provide the best course of treatment for this condition. Surgery is typically performed when the condition is severe. The surgery straightens the bone in the large toe. There are also non-surgical methods that bunion New York specialists utilize.

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