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Why Hemorrhoids?

By Yolanda Bell

Most people have heard of hemorrhoids and piles. We know exactly how they impact on people, generally by the time they hit the age of fifty, which is what happened to me. There are lots of piles victims worldwide, both males and females, and the discomfort and pain they feel may be maddening. As I endured for far too lengthy with piles, let me direct you on the very best ways to do away with hemorrhoids utilizing just normal methods.

Straining while having a bowel movement leads to further swelling of the veins and causes more discomfort. It may surprise many people to know that changing the diet has the biggest impact on curing hemorrhoids. This is because many people eat an unhealthy diet that does not contain enough fiber. Having enough fiber in the diet ensures that the bowels will be able to move waste matter through the body more quickly and without strain. The diet should be changed to a high-fiber diet. This means incorporating a lot more fruit and vegetables into the daily meal plan.

Many people feel that going to the toilet once a day is enough, but it is not. Just think how many times a day we eat and how much we consume with each meal. In eastern cultures it is common to have a bowel movement after each meal and this should be the normality. Irregular bowel movements are the single biggest root cause of piles there is.

Another thing that will greatly help is to engage in daily exercise. Exercising for around 30 minutes a day will help to strengthen the muscles responsible for bowel movements. When the muscles are stronger the natural peristalsis function of the body will be working at optimum level. When the muscles are strong they help push the waste matter out of the body quickly, provided the stool is soft enough. Following the above suggestions will improve the softness of the stool and this will lead to regular bowel movements.

Anyone in discomfort can sit in a warm bath for about 20 minutes. This will help in the short term but is only a way of treating the pain and is not a cure. Both hot and cold can work, depending on certain factors. Holding an ice towel or packet of frozen peas against the anal region will offer relief from the swelling and pain.

You must keep the rectum clean at all times. Shower or clean your bottom after going to the bathroom. Sit in a sitz bath for 15 to 20 minutes, two or three times per day, in lukewarm water. This will help relieve the symptoms. Don't use hard, dry toilet paper to wipe the area. Instead, go for moist toilet paper or wipes, free any alcohol and perfumes, as these can cause further irritability.

Doctors recommend exercising as part of the hemorroid treatment plan. This helps regulate the body's peristalsis function. This simply means that the muscles responsible for moving food through the digestive system are functioning optimally. When these muscles are healthy the bowel movements will be regular and flow smoothly. All the above steps to increase the fiber in the diet and improve liquid intake will ensure that soft bowel movements are had on a regular basis. There is never a need for surgery unless there is some inherent digestive dysfunction that makes this a necessity for the hemorrhoid sufferer.

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