Many might consider a the health problem known as thrush - to be a woman's complaint. But men commonly suffer from something similar too, with penile health an important and overlooked concern, as penis yeast infection is unpleasant. Candida albicans is its Latin name and it's a common affliction, so shouldn't be taboo. Here is a little background information on common symptoms and treatments.
Candida lives very normally on human skin, in the digestive system and in the mouth. Sometimes however, can grow much too much. Sometimes, men will actually have thrush over quite a few years being asymptomatic. For people who are active sexually, it gets more troublesome. That is simply due to the nice and warm places penises touch, both in male-female and male-male sex.
It's not just sex that leads to such infections. Certain antibiotics can set it off. Diabetes can also exacerbate the problem, as sugar in urine provides a perfect environment. Alcohol, having an immune system that's compromised and even wheat (Gluten) products have been implicated. A further complication is that it can journey easily up the urethra causing UTIs (urinary tract infections).
The symptoms of penile yeast infections are many. Most men notice the itching first off. This can happen not just on the head of the penis, but also around the anus. There maybe a white discharge present, and possibly blisters around the head too. You may well see redness, and the skin may even split somewhat when in a state of arousal.
Now several of these symptoms closely resemble STDs symptoms. So for peace of mind, this is something to really get checked out. That is important since men can easily transmit thrush to their sexual partners. This condition is typically present in the mouth and digestive tract, not only on the penis. This can cause a whole host of other symptoms and problems too.
It might surprise you to read how intricately linked are the yeast in the digestive tract with what's happening on your member. Candida albicans can get systemic. It's all to easy to transfer the fungus from mouth, to hand, to the member, let alone anyone else's infected genitalia and orifices. Whenever sex with men or women becomes involved, it's simple to understand how these infections can spread.
Treatments usually involve an anti-fungal creams and ointments to be used topically, as well as tablets to help sort out the gut. Athlete's foot cream contains the same active ingredient, so may also be recommended. Always consult your health practitioner. If the itching is very bad, corticosteroids may be prescribed. Practice safe sex while the infection is present or abstain altogether if possible. It's not a pleasant condition, so don't pass it on.
In addition to consulting a doctor, there are self-help tips for those with penis yeast infection. One is to cleanse the colon, by cutting out dairy and wheat so that it subsides. Increase your garlic intake, plus add in cold coconut oil. Natural yoghurt, as for women, is highly recommended both to eat and apply topically.
Candida lives very normally on human skin, in the digestive system and in the mouth. Sometimes however, can grow much too much. Sometimes, men will actually have thrush over quite a few years being asymptomatic. For people who are active sexually, it gets more troublesome. That is simply due to the nice and warm places penises touch, both in male-female and male-male sex.
It's not just sex that leads to such infections. Certain antibiotics can set it off. Diabetes can also exacerbate the problem, as sugar in urine provides a perfect environment. Alcohol, having an immune system that's compromised and even wheat (Gluten) products have been implicated. A further complication is that it can journey easily up the urethra causing UTIs (urinary tract infections).
The symptoms of penile yeast infections are many. Most men notice the itching first off. This can happen not just on the head of the penis, but also around the anus. There maybe a white discharge present, and possibly blisters around the head too. You may well see redness, and the skin may even split somewhat when in a state of arousal.
Now several of these symptoms closely resemble STDs symptoms. So for peace of mind, this is something to really get checked out. That is important since men can easily transmit thrush to their sexual partners. This condition is typically present in the mouth and digestive tract, not only on the penis. This can cause a whole host of other symptoms and problems too.
It might surprise you to read how intricately linked are the yeast in the digestive tract with what's happening on your member. Candida albicans can get systemic. It's all to easy to transfer the fungus from mouth, to hand, to the member, let alone anyone else's infected genitalia and orifices. Whenever sex with men or women becomes involved, it's simple to understand how these infections can spread.
Treatments usually involve an anti-fungal creams and ointments to be used topically, as well as tablets to help sort out the gut. Athlete's foot cream contains the same active ingredient, so may also be recommended. Always consult your health practitioner. If the itching is very bad, corticosteroids may be prescribed. Practice safe sex while the infection is present or abstain altogether if possible. It's not a pleasant condition, so don't pass it on.
In addition to consulting a doctor, there are self-help tips for those with penis yeast infection. One is to cleanse the colon, by cutting out dairy and wheat so that it subsides. Increase your garlic intake, plus add in cold coconut oil. Natural yoghurt, as for women, is highly recommended both to eat and apply topically.
About the Author:
Understanding additional information regarding a penis yeast infection is vital for health and well-being. You can see symptoms and causes of a penis yeast infection by visiting our website now.
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