The tonsil stone is a medical phenomenon that is constantly growing in United States. With increased cases of the problem being reported in the clinics and hospitals, this problem of tonsillolith has become very common.
Tonsil stones or tonsilloliths is a term used to indicate the existence of stones in the throat region. These stones are basically calcium and hence hard formations that have developed in the folds in the walls of the throat. When small in size, they can't cause any harm whatsoever and are, hence, nothing to be alarmed about.
They can cause discomfort to you over the time because they grow bigger and heavier with time. The discomfort they cause will put in an uneasy situation all the time that has an effect on the quality of life you live.
Discovering the symptoms The body reacts to the presence of the foreign bodies that are embedded in the two areas of the tonsil region. These reactions of the body are the most common symptoms of developing tonsil stones. These stones have the tendency to clutch to the walls of these two available areas in the tonsil region.
The reaction of the body to the foreign bodies that are rooted in any of the two regions of the tonsils is the common symptom of developing tonsil stones. The tonsil stones are capable of attaching themselves to any of the two available areas in the tonsil regions.
- Frequent problem of severe bad breath (called Halitosis) - Great difficulty experienced in swallowing food - Pain following the swallowing - Sudden and acute ear pain - Swelling of the tonsils - Pain in the tonsils - Pain in the throat - Recurring throat infections - Lasting bad taste in the mouth - Incomprehensible and abrupt coughing fits
These symptoms mainly are the reaction of the body to the presence of the calcified formations in our throat. An individual with tonsil stones would complaint more of the discomfort when the size of the tonsil stone would exceed 1 gram.
The tonsils stones can grow as much as 400 grams in weight, though the average size remains 300 grams. There can be multiple stones in a single cavity.
The extraction of the tonsils tones is not easy since they are made up of minerals like calcium. These hard foreign bodies composed of minerals should be dealt by physically removing them from the mouth cavity.
If you have the slightest doubt about the tonsil stones, you should check with a doctor. Do not be afraid, you will not be hospitalized due to these tonsil stones.
It is not necessary that these stones need to be removed from the oral cavity. In case there is no real trouble that these stones are causing to you and you face no difficulty and pain in swallowing food then there is no need to get them removed.
Getting them removed surgically, by a doctor, is always the safest approach and the best method to take up if you suffer due to the tonsil stones in your throat.
The doctor may also provide you some antibiotic medication to help battle the bacteria activity in your mouth. Suppressing them will prevent the formation of stones in your throat folds again. Get the stones removed surgically if you have to deal with distress and discomfort on a daily basis. If they are affecting the quality of your life, it is best to get rid of them.
Tonsil stones or tonsilloliths is a term used to indicate the existence of stones in the throat region. These stones are basically calcium and hence hard formations that have developed in the folds in the walls of the throat. When small in size, they can't cause any harm whatsoever and are, hence, nothing to be alarmed about.
They can cause discomfort to you over the time because they grow bigger and heavier with time. The discomfort they cause will put in an uneasy situation all the time that has an effect on the quality of life you live.
Discovering the symptoms The body reacts to the presence of the foreign bodies that are embedded in the two areas of the tonsil region. These reactions of the body are the most common symptoms of developing tonsil stones. These stones have the tendency to clutch to the walls of these two available areas in the tonsil region.
The reaction of the body to the foreign bodies that are rooted in any of the two regions of the tonsils is the common symptom of developing tonsil stones. The tonsil stones are capable of attaching themselves to any of the two available areas in the tonsil regions.
- Frequent problem of severe bad breath (called Halitosis) - Great difficulty experienced in swallowing food - Pain following the swallowing - Sudden and acute ear pain - Swelling of the tonsils - Pain in the tonsils - Pain in the throat - Recurring throat infections - Lasting bad taste in the mouth - Incomprehensible and abrupt coughing fits
These symptoms mainly are the reaction of the body to the presence of the calcified formations in our throat. An individual with tonsil stones would complaint more of the discomfort when the size of the tonsil stone would exceed 1 gram.
The tonsils stones can grow as much as 400 grams in weight, though the average size remains 300 grams. There can be multiple stones in a single cavity.
The extraction of the tonsils tones is not easy since they are made up of minerals like calcium. These hard foreign bodies composed of minerals should be dealt by physically removing them from the mouth cavity.
If you have the slightest doubt about the tonsil stones, you should check with a doctor. Do not be afraid, you will not be hospitalized due to these tonsil stones.
It is not necessary that these stones need to be removed from the oral cavity. In case there is no real trouble that these stones are causing to you and you face no difficulty and pain in swallowing food then there is no need to get them removed.
Getting them removed surgically, by a doctor, is always the safest approach and the best method to take up if you suffer due to the tonsil stones in your throat.
The doctor may also provide you some antibiotic medication to help battle the bacteria activity in your mouth. Suppressing them will prevent the formation of stones in your throat folds again. Get the stones removed surgically if you have to deal with distress and discomfort on a daily basis. If they are affecting the quality of your life, it is best to get rid of them.
About the Author:
Before trying to remove the Tonsil Stone yourself.Read This First, and what are your treatment options? Find Out Here
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